Example methods/protocols for which PipetteRite can be helpful

Protocol for Producing Monoclonal Cell Lines Using ClonaCell™ FLEX Semi-Solid Medium


13. Carefully remove a maximum of 100 μL of the overlaid liquid medium without disturbing the colonies in the semi-solid medium. Test the supernatants for specific protein products using an appropriate assay system (e.g. ELISA, flow cytometry, Western blotting).

Wheat DNA extraction in 96-well plates


4. Centrifuge the plate for 15’ at 5000rpm in a Sigma 4-15 centrifuge to precipitate proteins and plant tissue.

 5. Transfer 600µL of the supernatant into a new 1.2mL 96-well plate containing 360µL of propan-2-ol. Mix thoroughly by pipetting and allow the DNA to precipitate for 5’

12. Optional. If there is a lot of green pellet and dirt, transfer approximately 150-200µL into a new plate after centrifugation. Avoid pipetting any debris at the bottom of the well.

Procedure for Lysis of Monolayer-cultured Adherent Mammalian Cells


5. Centrifuge at ~10000 x g for 10 minutes.

6. Transfer supernatant to a new tube for further analysis.

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